it all started with an agency shift on a mystery ward and end up with me puking on my own shoes, whilst trying to source breakfast in london. these things were not at all related by the way and the later was very much self inflicted. in between, i had a birthday and celebrated with a lovely jog along the edge, some indoor bouldering and a huge slice of cake. another shift, another ward, this one had a bone densitometer. several winter sun bicycle commutes. some lectures about the importance of inter-professional communication, we were given the wrong time and room on our timetables.... we saw a musical about judy garland, grayson perry's exhibition and stewart lee stand up, not all on the same evening though. meals in and meals out, mexican street food and a chocolate ganache hangover. too much booze and too much food and not enough sleep. fantastic.
a preemptive christmas detox started today.
What the!
Very happy birthday.
See you soon.
Great week!
Happy Birthday! You saw the tomb of the unknown craftsman? Lucky sod!
Would like to get to see it (and the Edward Burra in Chichester) before it ends - but they're both a long way away.
PS Liked the motorbike trophy anecdote.
PPS you might have got this comment (or something like it) twice. I blame the internet :)
I feel the need to leave some carry on style innuendo here followed by a rather drug addled performance of The Trolley Song. But can't be bothered. So I'll just say two words- tiny horses.
Glad to see the slide towards gifferdom is being given the respect it deserves. Of course, now you're a student again it's perfectly acceptable to vom on your own shoes. Sounds like a brill birthday week. Many happy returns. x
*shouts* HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE!! Didn't realise. It's coz I'm old. :-p
sbrt- thanks buddy!
ian- need a holiday now!
Dominic- worth the trip just for his massive rug/tapestry. though I was surprised at how small the exhibition was.
Jumbly - up holding the reputation of student nurses everywhere ;)think you'd really the Grayson perry show.
Adman- miniature barges....
simon- pardon dear? A cup of tea? Thank you ;)
happy belated birthday kate
i take it the detox completes end of november?!
Happy belated birthday, Kate. You are getting younger the older you get, right? Not saying sillier... ;)
the grayson perry thing? more details surely!
at least you only puked on your shoes. as opposed to someone else. but that's another story.
in the meantime i saw this - just the sort of madness that makes me think of you.
uc- thanks! it ended 5 days later ;)
groover- defo sillier :)
swiss- haha, made a change to have my own puke on my shoes ;) will try and be articulate about grayson in a later post (not as good as you'd be though) thanks for the link, i've heard about this actually. looks great but i think it's already full. no stopping us having a go another time....fancy it?
i'd have to take it at a more sedate pace than you! but have got the bike in the shop just now to try and address the glitched that torpedo'd me last time. the idea#s certainlt in my head tho!
we should set a date. i'm serious.
that's a high risk offer given i'm built neither for speed nor endurance and have a tendency to break! lol
i'm currently hoping for a nibble at it in march, tho given this year's performance that's probably too early. may's my next definite availability but t has a signal birthday then so it's down to her
So sorry I missed wishing you Happy B'day. A belated best wishes. Will try to be a better blog visitor in 2012...RB
swiss- hmmm, i think it would be great, even if we just nibbled at it! can't do march or may do but i'm up your way in june for the lamm....
rb- many thanks for b'day wishes and for stopping by as much as you do, always appreciated :) ...i like to imagine you're too busy with tempo runs and recovery softies!
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