but i have been trying to make a real training plan, something which i don't normally do. i've been thinking about why i wasn't ready for an attempt at the bob graham. a lot of it was due to motivation but the real issue was not being organised enough with training. and not being willing to make sacrifices, such as biking less, choosing races over recce's and going to scotland 4 times the beginning of the year instead of the lakes.
is it possible to run long distances and still ride bikes some of the time? even more importantly, is it possible for me to actually stick to a plan!
I think biking/running do interfere with each other, at least trying to keep improving fitness in both all the time, which is a pain I have to say.
I would agree with Julbags. When I used to run as cross training because I was travelling for work and couldn't take the bike, my legs always felt really heavy on the bike and I had no kick.
Good luck with the training plan. It's half the rent ... like the old saying: Failing to plan is planning to fail ... ;-)
Planning is important, I must learn to stick to my plans!!!
Yes you can ride a bike occasionally and still run. But riding a bike for 100miles is something else! That needs commitment so the running will suffer a bit. But unless you are planning on elite levels of participation don't give up something you love. Just plan your training sensibly! Apparently biking is good cross training for running, a lot better than the other way round. But I find a bit of running good for me, even if its just the walking bits it assists me with.
Want to know what races you are entering!!!
I also remind myself that triathletes seem to manage it! Though some compromise seems inevitable. I have resigned myself to permanently dead legs.
I also want to know which races! I'm thinking of doing some fell races...though I was looking at the brute that is Winter Hill on my ride yesterday and realising how much work I would need to put in on my running to cope with a race somewhere like that.
It's always good to get those entries in (or at least so I found it in the past). Something to aim for, etc etc.
It'd be brilliant if you could get that Bob Graham training plan going. I'm sure you wouldn't need to get very far into it to feel a great surge of enthusiasm and motivation, and then I can go up to the Moot Hall when you have your attempt and cheer you in!
if you find the answer to such eternal questions, bottle them and sell them ;)
my 2010 plan changes by the week. i'm great at sticking to a plan (for around 6 days)
looking forward to seeing yours
hope our paths will cross..you going the correct route, me otherwise ;)
OMG. Did i read this right? ;) Planning is good in small to medium sized doses. Just make sure you don't get too many unhealthy attacks like me or you'll be starting a spreadsheet next...
I don't think it's possible for mortals to do the sorts of runs / ride you do never mind both. Then again i'm not too sure you are mortal.
I'm looking at entering something seriously tough (riding) just for the hell of it.
thanks for all the comments guys :) having spent the weekend at work and having done nothing for 7 days i'm feeling even less like a 'runner'!!
julbags- i've been thinking about triathletes and how they manage to train for 3 sports. i don't know how they fit it in. i fear i may like lazing about too much ;) lets do the winter hill race!
groover- i'm even finding the planning stage difficult to fit in. i need to get more organzied and stop wasting time doing nothing but thinking about what i should be doing!!
trio- the 'issue' i have is that i never actually 'train' i just ride or run. sometimes i do it more than others. i never seem to get stronger or fitter-it just hurts a bit less on the odd occasion! if i get an entry then i'll tell you ;)
peewiglet- now that's motivation, knowing you'd be at moot hall :) if all goes to plan then hopefully i'll try for a bgr in 2011
uc- sometimes i think we might be real similar in our soul searching! i hope we do get to run together-as long as we're both following someone else ;)
rb- i know!! i'm finding the whole planning thing a bit daunting. having everything mapped out feels like setting myself up to fail.
red- i most certainly am human! i'm intrigued, will you declare what race this is ;)
I'm with you, I think there is a weird mental shift from just doing a bit of running about or riding to actually training. I'm always on the cusp of actually training for stuff, but, the reality is it always sounds too regimented, hurty and sacrificial for me to actually make that step up. But, if you're BGR serious I reckon you're gonna have to bit that bullet and 'puffer might have to be the last BIG bike adventure for a while. You're a tougher (albeit still mortal) cookie than many, I reckon you can do it.
My 'training' is just riding. My problem is I only ride at my pace and never push myself! I have good intentions like doing hill repeats and it happens once. I blame you, well I need someone to blame!
jumbly- thanks mate. you're right about the biking thing. i think i might use that as an excuse sometimes too. and now there's climbing to add to the list ;)
trio- not my fault ;) i may talk for doing structured things like hill reps, normally lasts about 3 weeks. i want instant results!
The problem is you have to make a choice, train correctly OR commute/fun rides etc. I know what I choose! You have to be completely rested for real training to work, in my life that doesn't happen!
I did an Ironmand June 2008 and I can tell you the training is unreal! Swimming half 6 every morning, running at lunch times and turbo/bike of an evening long rides at weekends....yes if I'm honest the biking takes precedence over the running, it's all about the bike right. 112 miles is a long way and not something you can do on a few hours turbo-ing a week.
Getting back to the fells has been really hard work. I could bike, I could run but I was FAR from 'fell' fit. A longsummer of nothing but BG recce-ing and support has been the only thing to get me back to where I want to be. I intend to do my BG next summer and for me I think it's safe to say my iron horse will be wrapped up and left alone whilst I devote all my time and attention to time on the feet and climb climb climb!!! Tough decisions aren't they we just all want to do everything but don't have the time!
thanks for your thoughts emmilou. how long did you train specifically for the ironman? living far away from the fells i find it easier to bike than to get out and pound the pavement. when i comes down to it i think i just lack commitment and am scared of failing. it's always easier to say, "well, if i'd actually trained...". you certainly seem to be able to juggle many things and keep your motivation levels high-you're well on track :)
For my marathon training I didn't set out with the intention of completely sacrificing biking to pounding out tarmac. I picked a 3 day running plan due to past injury problems and kept the cycling. Over time the cycling gradually dropped off in importance as things progressed. I stopped longer MTB rides as they were too intense on top of the runs preferring easy flat road rides eventually stopping MTB altogether in the last 6 weeks before the marathon.
Because I let it evolve to that as things progressed(even though it was inevitable) it didn't feel like I was depriving myself too much, whereas if I had set out at the start thinking I was "giving up" biking rather than "gaining" marathon stamina I think resentment would have crept in and it would have become even more of a chore than it did (bloomin' long, flat tarmac runs!)
julbags- just been reading an interesting thread on the fra forum about the benefits of cycling for running, particularly climbing. what i'm hoping to do is build some biking into the 'programme' and actually use it as a 'session' rather than just 'going for a ride' -which hope i can still do...occasionally ;)
i think you're right about the mindset of not "giving something up". i also like you idea about it evolving but i think with me that might change to drifting, to not really doing anything.
currently working on second draft!
I trained a year for the Iron man or maybe just short of that. Over the winter though I did do a lot of Dark and White Duathlon events which acted as brilliant brick sessions and the Mtb-ing definately helped BUT an IM is a different beast. The running IS all flat therefore the cycling can still be done and enjoyed and the running can suffer a bit, I found anyway. However, a BGR is all about the running, the climbing and the time on your feet and training specificaslly for that, for me at least, means a whole new appraoch and sadly that doesn't involve long days out on the bike. I'm sure I'll get a bit of cross taining in over the spring and early summer but only if I think I can 'afford' the day off the fells!!
I think that long term goals are good and help with the motivation and the sticking to a plan but it's finding the goal that's right for YOU.
thanks for replying. 1 years worth of training-wow! i have even more respect for that than you actually completing it. that just shows such a level of commitment and determination. you're right about specific training. i'm just wondering if a bike ride could replace a run 'session'. btw-i'd love to help on your attempt if you need it :)
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