another hard earned cake/cheese eating week. for those who are counting the weekly total's up to 61.2, due to yesterdays bonus trot around edale with jane-some of the best running this year! no speed session this week though. had to rearrange due to visitors and now i'm full of cold.
something's shifted mentally and i'm now looking at 14m being a 'quick' run that can be squeezed in between stuff. but it's also slowly dawning on me the huge amount of time training for long stuff actually takes-i'm not complaining, just realising!! looking forward to an easy week....
...talking of easy a moment of bravado and 'eyes bigger than my belly', i answered a wanted add on the fell runners forum. i'm now in team for next weeks high peak marathon. GULP!!
That's a mighty impressive number of miles. Cake and cheese clearly the food of champions. Enjoy HPM...... if it's the sort of thing that is enjoyed!
Sounds like a good week!
Yes training for long things takes time! I guess its time for me to find that out!
Good stuff! It's the constant kit washing/overstuffed laundry basket that training seems to require that always gets to me.
I'm in the bar at Glenmore Lodge after a painless drive up but the snow here is just amazing!
you got me hook loine and sinker..very funny
hpm..hope you like bogs up to your waistline ;)
funnily enough ive been having the same thoughts this weekend, questioning my capability, commitment required etc etc ie run/life balance
ps just pipped you this week by around 4 miles but reckon yours were better quality ;)
jumbly- i follow your lead in recovery fuel ;)
trio- at least sometimes you can incorporate commuting and training. but, yes, those long rides are calling
julbags- fortunately jane is very organised on that front ;) speak of jane, she commented she "can't think of a better place to be" than at the bar in glenmore. have a fantastic week!
uc- i'm more worried about the snow drifts covering the bogs!!! luckily for me, i don't have many other commitments and jane also enjoys days out in the hills but it is a big commitment. just keep in mind why you're doing it. those chips by the sea will be well worth it ;)
Wow. Amazing mileage. Top work.
Oh fab - will see you friday!! then again if the drifts are as high - maybe not!!! What team are you in? We are the Traversers and leaving at 11.24 apparently our team leader thought we'd be round in less than 12 hours...WHAT?
good blog kate
and good look on friday doing the watershed.
just keep going
Beware wanted ads on the FRA forum!
When looking south from the tops around Hebden the Peak Hills look lovely and snowy. With regard to combining biking and running training, my legs get that horrible heavy feeling when running the day after a ride that I don't tend to get if I'm only running.....and for me I'm not sure that biking adds much to my (in?)ability to run . Good luck with HPM!
simon- thanks, looking forward to a few less miles this week though!
emma- i think we're 'team rach', not sure how many rachel's are left in it though! we're the first running team off, we'll follow your trod ;)
daz H- hi there, cheers! reading recent recce reports i have to say that i'm getting butterfly's!
charlie- yeh, there's still quiet a bit of drifting on the top. must be the same with you, certainly easier for running than biking! i'm finding that i'm too tired for much biking at the moment and too conscious of my mates waiting for me! good to hear you'r getting out :)
You are on the roll. It's amazing how perception changes. I remember riding certain climbs around Brisbane and found them incredibly hard and they don't appear that hard anymore. :-) You are inspiring me, girl!
dont worry your in good company
nice to hear from a fellow fellrunner from the east midlands
Ilkeston for me
Good luck
Kate - are you packed yet?!!!
I've swapped teams - I'm now a pussycat troll and in a ladies only team - race on!!! ;-) x
groover- i'm surprised at how much i'm enjoying this more 'structured' approach, it actually works!!
daz- see you later!! might you need a lift back?
emma- no-eeeek! that's is a brilliant name, i can see why you changed teams ;)
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