they say that managing to get your team of four to the start is the hardest part of the
high peak marathon. with the nature of the training involved it's quite likely that someone will end up injured or even think better of it. unfortunately, this year for us it happened to be jane. she suffered a tendon injury/stress fracture/bloody painful thing in her foot 2 weeks ago, whilst walking to town of all things. after much deliberation we decided as a team it was more important to stick together as a gang than try and draft in new members at short notice. though i'm sure we could have found a willing victim. fortunately the organisers have allowed us to roll our entry over. which means a summer of bleaklow reccys!
obviously it's been a bugger for poor jane. no pot but she's been advised to rest, for the obligatory, 4-6 weeks. hobbling around and generally feeling a bit fed up, she came to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe riding a bike might hold the answer to the non-running blues. a quick test ride last week on mine proved that she could pedal pain free. then a quick trip to decathlon and one new bike later saw the first proper smile on her face in 2 weeks.

so on saturday, the day of the high peak marathon, i met up with the remaining members of team marathon-schmarathon in edale. we decided to run the skyline route, which proved to be a belter of a day for it. our paths crossed with several hpm teams on their finishing stretch. it was really great to be able to cheer them on and secretly be relieved that we were just doing a 'short' 20 as a posed to a boggy 42miler.

and what of poor jane? well she too enjoyed the sunshine and had her first proper ride out. pedaling over from chezvegas into edale to meet us for tea and sustenance in the afternoon. and despite a horse trying to eat her gloves (??!!), it looks like we've got a new cyclist in our midst. every cloud and all that.....