25 November 2008


24.11 miles 3:17
Very cold and very fun. The order of events are as follows...meet Chris and Simon next to Tower Building on the university campus. Attempt various steps and drop offs with various degrees of success. Watch Simon literally turn to jelly and tangle himself in bike due to a lovely lady walking in front of him.

Find the first steep climb steeper than before. Have brandy at the top. Ride more of the steep and rooty downhill than normal. Try and keep up with the singlespeeds. Watch Chris repair his puncture. Have more brandy. Have legs whipped numb by brambles. Adjudicate 'wall' (it's a big curb really) riding competition-Chris won.

More fields and singletrack. Look at stars, more brandy and discus Julia Bradbury (again!). Race for home along the final twisting trails whilst disturbing conoodling yoofs.

Tired legs and a hot chocolate.


trio said...

Sounds a good ride and must have made up loads of the deficet!

Chris said...

It felt longer than that!

The cooking brandy helped!

kate said...

probably was a bit longer for you, living over there on the posh side of town ;)